Using your student account data from your home university you will be able to log into eduroam for free. At the latest one year following receipt of the email, the mail room deletes your message. This page is intended to get quick access on pages often revisited. GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart. This includes information on the cancellation of examinations, the postponement of the start of lectures, and others. All current measures and reactions of the Universität Stuttgart concerning the rampant corona pandemic can be found under the following link. Aus Ihren Eingaben im Kontaktformular wird eine E-Mail an die Poststelle der Universität Stuttgart generiert. Telephone +49 711 685 83468. MITten im ABI: Workshops & Beratung zur Studienwahl, Internationale Strategien & Kooperationen, Prorektorat Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs und Diversity, Prorektorat Wissens- und Technologietransfer, Kontaktpersonen für internationale Studieninteressierte, Kontaktpersonen für internationale Studierende, Kontaktpersonen für ein Studium im Ausland, Fragen zur Studienbewerbung und zu Formalitäten, Meldung einer Änderung auf den zentralen Webseiten. an die Poststelle der Universität Stuttgart. Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart (VV) Uni Stuttgart ha 8290 membri. Information about data protection can be found in the privacy notice below. 17,886 were here. The Link to the application portal is only available during the application period. If arriving by car, please note: The Stuttgart urban area is considered to be a „low emission zone”.This means that every car must have a green emissions sticker to be able to drive and park in Stuttgart. Trains run every 5-10 minutes. Thomas Wagner/Stadt Stuttgart; Share site Contact. GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Search. On the basis of the content, the central mail room takes a decision concerning who the right point of contact is and passes the email on to this person or department. IBBTE Institut für Baustofflehre, Bauphysik, Gebäudetechnologie und Entwerfen Institutsleitung Professor Peter Schürmann Keplerstraße 11 70174 Stuttgart Your message is received first by the central mail room of the University. The IRS is one of 13 institutes in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Stuttgart. Our courses and labs at a glance.... showing INÜ students and staff at our institut. Spätestens ein Jahr nach Eingang der E-Mail löscht die Poststelle Ihre Anfrage. Verantwortlicher und Datenschutzbeauftragter. Sie können auch per Fax, per E-Mail, telefonisch, persönlich oder postalisch mit der Universität Stuttgart in Verbindung treten. 17,782 were here. Please use the phone number of the respective staff member. Admissions Office for Germans and Foreigners with German Education, Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals and EU Citizens. The list starts with our institute, followed by the University of Stuttgart and nearby institutions. Und wenn Sie sich völlig verlaufen oder verfahren haben, bringt einTaxi (Telefon +49-711-566061) Sie zu uns (Pfaffenwaldring 5 b, 70569 Stuttgart). Direction "Stuttgart Zentrum", "Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart", Friedrichstraße (B 27 direction "Tübingen"), Gateway Schellingstraße. Sprachen lernen, interkulturelle Kommunikation verstehen lernen und Deutsch als Fremdsprache lehren lernen address: Telephone +49 (0)711 685 83360 Please contact me via E-Mail. Was will ich studieren? It offers more than 500 m² of work area, which can be used as one open work space or divided into 4 separate work bays by movable glass partition walls. Physics Contact: Please send an e-mail with your telefon-number, I will call back immediately! Studierendenvertetung Universität Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 5c 70569 Stuttgart Deutschland. GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart. Should your information be passed on to third parties in the course of the subsequent communication with you, this can only take place if you expressly request such. Lage & Anfahrt, PostanschriftUniversität StuttgartPostfach 10 60 3770049 StuttgartTelefon: +49 711 685-0Fax: +49 711 685-82271E-Mail, PostanschriftUniversität StuttgartPostfach 80 11 4070511 StuttgartTelefon: +49 711 685-0E-Mail, Für die volle Funktionalität dieser Site ist JavaScript notwendig. The city of Stuttgart and the central station can be reached by the suburban railway from the campus station within 10 minutes. The teaching software StaR 2 (der StabwerksRechner) developed at the institute allows not only the quick control of manual calculations but also invites to experiment. N. Kubail Kalousdian Thomas Wagner/Stadt Stuttgart; Bosch; Thomas Wagner/Stadt Stuttgart; View from the television tower into the Stuttgart valley. Then please use the web form notification of a change on the central websites [de] or send us an Email. Apartments are equipped with shower and WC and have access to kitchen facilities, telephone and Internet. Please don’t send any hard copies to us. GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. Further information +49 711 / 685-62400; Write e-mail University Sports (AHS) is a service provided for students and staff at the University of Stuttgart, as well as at the other universities and institutions taking part. It is largely responsible for teaching related to space travel and, with its various courses in the form of lectures and internships, seminars and student theses, covers a … The University of Stuttgart uses the wifi network eduroam [de]. Here are the, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, 3 good reasons for studying at Stuttgart University, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Contact form Admissions Office for Germans, Contact form Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals, Contact form Admissions Office: Semester/Tuition Fees, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Group for Education and Social Inequality, Contact persons for prospective international students, Contact persons for international students, notification of a change on the central websites, data protection declaration of the University. Sofern es bei Ihrem Anliegen auf Ihre Identität ankommt, kann dann allerdings Ihre Anfrage ggf. 9-12 am read more We cannot be held responsible for any misunderstandings. Vorsitzender: Christian Witte People at the Institute of Physical Chemistry. You have content-related additions or change requests to the online editorial team? without the concrete responsible body of the University or target persons being known. Telephone: +49(0)711-685-63721. Wie lange der End-Empfänger die E-Mail speichert, hängt vom dadurch ausgelösten Vorgang ab. Office Hours. 2 70174 Stuttgart Tel: +49 711 685-83687 Fax: +49 711 685-83688 Email: ohne, dass die konkret zuständige Stelle der Universität oder Zielperson bekannt ist. Course manager: B.Sc./ M.Sc. Auch hierfür konsultieren Sie am besten die Seiten des Verkehrsverbunds Stuttgart. The Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control was found in 1999 with the aim to specially focus on the research areas systems theory and automatic control. Find your contact person in the alphabetical list: The University of Stuttgart's campus is divided into two major locations and several smaller areas.Campus map & directions, postal address:University of StuttgartPostfach 10 60 3770049 Stuttgartphone: +49 711 685-0fax: +49 711 685-82271email, postal address:University of StuttgartPostfach 80 11 4070550 Stuttgartphone: +49 711 685-0email, For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Astrid Ley. 6 Abs. Thomas Wagner/Stadt Stuttgart; Share site Contact. Bearbeitung. Because our task is giving support and help to around 61,000 students at 15 universities in Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Esslingen, Göppingen and Horb. Suche. Bernhard Bäuerle, Student Counselling and Course Degree Management Automotive and Engine Engineering, Teaching, Institute of Automotive Engineering, University of Stuttgart Studiengangsmanagerin BSc MSV & MSc CL; Fachstudienberaterin & Ansprechpartnerin Prüfungsausschuss BSc MSV, MSc CL & MSc CS The length of time for which the email is saved by the end recipient depends on the process which subsequently takes place. 70569 Stuttgart. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Extern wählen Sie +49 711 685-0. Prof. Dr.-Ing. University of Stuttgart Data protection officer Breitscheidstr. Informationen über Ihre Rechte finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung der Universität. As COVID-19 has been changing our everyday live, we aim at providing you as international students with additional support and information concerning your residence permit, financial support, contact persons and social activities. Information on examinations, studies, digital teaching, enrolment, work organisation and childcare. Aus Ihren Eingaben im Kontaktformular wird eine E-Mail an die Poststelle der Universität Stuttgart generiert. and M.Sc.) to the receiving office of the University of Stuttgart. Telefon: +49 711 685 83055 E-Mail: Verantwortlich: Die Studierendenvertretung der Universität Stuttgart ist eine Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts. Herzlich willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Universität Stuttgart! The continuous development of computer statics requires to constantly challenge and renew teaching contents and goals. Inofficial group of University of Stuttgart všečkov. Examination dates may be changed at short notice. 9,5 tis. as well as the english Information Technology (M.Sc.) An email to the mail room of the University of Stuttgart will be generated from the information you provide in the contact form. It is part of the Department on Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. Vorsitzender: Christian Witte In addition to your entries in the form fields, the date and time will be recorded in the generated email. Allgemeine Informationen zum Datenschutz finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung unterhalb des Formulars. Fax: +49(0)711-685-62096. Last update: 20.09.2016 This address is linked with the following contents: Test methods for practical key system figures relating to energy efficiency Metro tunnels enable geothermal air-conditioning. The University Computing Center (Technische Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste der Universität Stuttgart, TIK) is a separate paragraph, followed by other links of interest. Sie haben inhaltliche Änderungs- oder Ergänzungswünsche an die Onlineredaktion? Universität Stuttgart is consistently ranked among the world's top universities in various international ranking surveys such as the Academic Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education Supplement which ranks over 1000 universities worldwide. Was passt zu mir? Information for international students. Central City Administration Town Hall Marktplatz 1 70173 Stuttgart (0711) 216-0 (0711) 216-91237 poststuttgartde. Postal address: Universität Stuttgart ITI‘s four departments cover the whole breadth of Computer Engineering. If you cannot get a stable connection at, you can also register at Notes on device allocation/borrowing devices and ZVD support If you have not yet received an official device from the TIK and require one for working from home, this also requires the approval of the central administration management. Hier finden Sie eine, Anleitung zum aktivieren von JavaScript in Ihrem Browser, 3 gute Gründe für die Forschung an der Uni Stuttgart, Registrierung, Antragstellung und Einschreibung, Graduiertenschulen, Graduiertenkollegs & Promotionsprogramme, Sonderforschungsbereiche & Graduiertenkollegs, Internationale Studienbewerber: Studium mit Abschluss in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), Internationale Studienbewerber: Austausch- & Programmstudierende (non-degree), Internationale Studienbewerber: Freemover, Für Promovierende: Registrierung, Antragstellung und Einschreibung, DosV - Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Bachelor, Lehramt, Master, Allgemeine Informationen zur Master-Zulassung, Kontaktformular Studiensekretariat für Deutsche, Kontaktformular Studiensekretariat für Ausländer/innen, Kontaktformular Studiensekretariat: Studienbeiträge/-gebühren, Mit Technik innovative Medizin voranbringen, Studium mit Abschluss in Stuttgart (degree), Austausch- & Programmstudierende (non-degree), Internationale Studierende: Studienfinanzierung, Übergangsregelung GymPO I zu Bachelor/Master.