Which Zurich museum looks most interesting to you? for nearly 3 months. We would love to go to a nearby mountain if possible. Also, don’t be afraid to catch a train to the mountains. I’ll send you an email to continue this conversation! I will be coming from the USA. Hi Edward! Hi Hailey! We are saying thanks for, Hooray, it’s the weekend! Diese Stadt ist ein Muss für Kulturliebhaber, die auf der Suche nach einem spannenden Tagesausflug von Zürich sind. Der Höhenzug zwischen Zürich und Würenlos wirkt auf den ersten Blick wenig attraktiv. I was traveling all of November and today’s my first day back in my home office :), Anyway, would you like to know more about my travel planning services? Any tips recommendations would be welcome :). Eine Fahrt mit dem Zug von Zürich nach Freiburg dauert ca. Leave me a note in the comment section if you want to know where to get started! You can walk up it, but most people catch the S10 train from Zurich HB to the top station, where you can start a walk of your choosing. Fahren Sie aus der Schweiz nach Deutschland, um die charmante Stadt Titisee-Neustadt zu besuchen, wo Sie den vor Ort bekannten Uhrmacher Drubba besuchen, um zu sehen, wie Kuckucksuhren hergestellt werden. To thrill the kids even more, take the UBS Polybahn funicular from the Central tram stop up the hill to reach the museum. 1) We are planning to take a couple of free guided tours as you suggested and we wondering how much tips is customary to give at the end of the tour? Kaferberg seems nearer to the Hauptbahnhof so it looks more accessible to us :) Do let us know what you think! Make sure to download the museum app from the kiosk inside before you begin your visit! Is this some local money name? Winter Ausflug nach Saas Fee. We have two every day, one of the Old Town at 11am and one of the ZuriWest neighborhood at 3pm. I personally enjoy adding pineapple and pear for a bit of sweetness! They have several different walking tours to choose from, and it’s a great way to get to know Zurich. A giant sloth named Meggie will greet you at the entrance; she’s a furry friend to all children. Thanks for leaving a comment and a compliment :) I have a similar response to you as I said to Richard down below: First of all, I apologize for my delayed response. Thanks so much! Thank you again and have a great Holidays! [Tip: Free admission on Thursday evenings!]. In winter, locals head to the mountains in search of big snow and sunshine! Und haben Sie schon die Famigros Lagerfeuer-Nacht miterlebt? 1 Tag. They are great ways to enjoy the city… just don’t forget to tip your guide! suggest a couple of places to see around Zurich city. 24 Jan. Saisonauftakt der Schweizer Skischulen Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland, 12.12. 3) And the last question about restaurants. Myself and my sister plan on visiting Zurich early December any ideas on tours, restaurants, accommodation or Christmas Events in the city, much appreciate any suggestions. Sicher geniessen: Alle Hotels erfüllen die Hygiene-Standards des BAG. If you don’t need a full itinerary, I give 100% recommendation to my pals at Free Walk Zurich. I ll be staying in Zurich for a week, I am a very outdoor person and want to explore all the good parts of Switzerland. Excelents tips. Aktuelle Highlights im Winter. Ausflüge mit Kindern. Hey Hailey! Aber auch unsere Freunde in der Romandie geizen nicht mit schönen Angeboten. This free museum is a great place to take young kids, as its home to a large number of (taxidermied) animals! I promise that your generous support will be much appreciated, as I speak from personal experience. Get helpful tips, exclusive insights, and updates on my latest travels - just every once in a while! That’s a nice post I am visiting Zürich for 3-4 days along with my wife and 10 years old daughter; on the way to Paris. kompetente Beratung Zufriedenheitsgarantie Auch mit dem Bundesrats-Entscheid vom 18. However, there are still things to do and fondue to be eaten in winter, so you wouldn’t be without activities. So, for example, the Chasalp Fondue of 2990 Rp. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Is February a good time to visit Zurich or is it too cold to bear? Grab a chair at the Sechseläutenplatz (in front of the Opera House) to bask in the warm light or take a stroll among the wooded hills lining the city. I just found out about your site! 3. I’ll be honest: this Southern girl has a love-hate relationship with winter in Zurich. ... Afernoon Tea in Zürich. This is a wonderful website! Have you ever visited this Swiss city over the Christmas season? Ob Mitarbeiterausflüge, Firmenevents, Teambuildings oder Incentives - wir haben das passende Angebot! Also, raus mit euch! Tessin Bern + Oberland Bern Emmental Berner Oberland Jura Graubünden Bündnerland Engadin ... Tagesausflug - Zürich . Thanks Das sind die besten Erlebnisse für tagesausflüge in Zürich: Heidiland - Beeindruckende Tour durch die Landschaft Heidis; Ausflug von Zürich in die Schweizer Alpen: Jungfraujoch und Berner Oberland; Tagesausflug von Zürich zum Titlis und nach Luzern; Die Rheinfälle und Stein am Rhein – … We hate spam. Hailey, Your email address will not be published. We don’t ski or do winter sports but like to watch if there’s anything oing on. Sportlich durch den Winter in Zürich. Ab Zürich: Tagesausflug Titlis – Ewiger Schnee & Gletscher* Dreipässefahrt – Mitten in die Alpen ab Zürich/Luzern* Was ich schon immer einmal im Blog machen wollte, tue ich jetzt abschließend in diesem Artikel: Ich wollte schon immer einmal eine 1 in einen Satz integrieren. There are so many lovely Swiss villages to enjoy this time of year! I will be visiting Zurich in mid July 2018 and will be there I am more of an outdoors person, so I was wondering what you would suggest? Schon gewusst? Also explore the backstreets. The permanent collection provides visitors with a pleasant walk through art history, while the temporary exhibitions are usually bold and eye-catching. Also, i am a student so kinda tight on budget. My partner and I will be visiting Zurich (loved you post!) Thanks for your comment. J etzt ist die beste Zeit, die Schmetterlinge wieder fliegen zu lassen. 2) Great choice with the Chasalp! Cheers, Sorry for my delayed response. (In fact, I have an entire theory about the secret to why the Swiss are happy.) Fortunately, it’s easy to get from the Zurich airport to the city center. The Christmas markets are in the Main Train Station, down Bahnhofstrasse, and (my favorite) in the plaza in front of the Opera House. (For example, my parents and I turned downhill at the Jupiter marking on the Planet Trail to walk the Föhreneggwegg down to the Albisgütli tram stop when I was 40 weeks pregnant!). My friends and I are traveling to Zurich very shortly at the beginning of January. (But Maison Cailler near Gruyeres is a different story!) Raise your voice at a pop star concert or hockey game at the Hallenstadion. 7. I was a Free Walk Zurich guide, too! Then on Sunday my friend leaves and I travel to Winterthur for 1 week for a course. Für Wanderer gibt es dort insgesamt vier Gipfel zu erklimmen, der höchste davon, die Rigi-Kulm, ist fast 1.800 Meter hoch. in December and we were wondering how we could get to one of the walking trails, either Uetliberg or Kaferberg. Dann Ausfahrt Eschenbach (St. Gallenkappel, Wattwil, St. Gallen). Well, what do you thing about that? Bests, HD. Tour the City with Free Walk Zurich Does the weather affect you as much as it does me? On those days of sparkling winter sunshine, head outside to enjoy those rays of glory!! 5. Sunday at the Thermal Bad is a good idea, as almost all shops are closed in Switzerland. Although I had visited Zurich earlier 1. But since I live here, I don’t have any experience with the hotels in the area. Hailey, My friend and I will be in Zurich for 3 days in January, we are Mum’s travelling without kids, I’m Aussie and she is Italian, I was thinking of doing a day tour to the alps or some other towns as I don’t really want to spend over $200pp could you recommend a place, town, tour company to use. Im Winter je nach Schneelage mit Schlitten. Hübsche historische … Winter Ausflug. Would you like to chat more via email? And in general, is it ok to tip in the restaurants etc.. around 10% of the check? Walk in the woods There’s a restaurant (and hotel) up there, so you could get a meal. And remember: I can always offer you a few important lessons on skiing and sledding in Switzerland. Im Winter ist der Betrieb mit nur einer Fahrt um 13.30 etwas eingeschränkt. Es gibt dort eine Reihe von Museen: das Museum für Kunst und Geschichte, das Naturkundemuseum und den Espace Jean Tinguely – Niki de Saint Phalle. Von der Romandie über die Region Bern, die Zentralschweiz bis ins tiefe Graubünden haben wir eine Auswahl an coolen winterlichen Erlebnissen für dich bereit. Von Naturerlebnissen bis hin zur Städte-Erkundung und kulinarischen Highlights. Be outside anyway Eingepfercht zwischen dem infrastrukturgeprägten Limmattal und dem Zürcher Unterland geht fast etwas unter, dass sich hier quasi auf der Rückseite von Zürich schöne Waldwege, spannende Aussichtspunkte und eine urige Waldschänke verstecken. your post mentioned that you are an instructor?also.. where to meet for the free walking tour? Zurich’s Fine Arts Museum is a modest but well assembled art program. Best wishes, HD, Hey Hailey, Get out of town Generally, it’s a cold month (not sure what your tolerance for “cold” is…) and the city isn’t nearly as lively as it is when the weather is warm. I’m not sure what’s forecasted for 2020 though. I hope you had a nice time in Switzerland this past week. One thing I love about Swiss culture is their collective desire to enjoy the Alps all year long. Tagesausflug ab Zürich – 10 tolle Destinationen, die einen Abstecher wert sind 1. Third, Zurich is a very quiet city (well, other than the old trams that screech by sometimes) and you don’t have to go far to find walking/hiking trails. Switzerland is a very expensive country, but you may find accommodations to meet your budget regardless. (Now I understand why people love to visit Florida…) But Zurich can also be a winter wonderland, blanketed by snow or dripping with holiday cheer, making it a lovely place to spend a long weekend. I’m sorry that I missed your comment. Abseits der luxuriösen Bahnhofstrasse nebst bekannten Plätzen und gut besuchten Orten hat Zürich noch anderes auf Lager. Christmas Eve is a special holiday in Switzerland! We’ve visited quite a few European cities and love to explore the streets, shops, bars, restaurants and like to see the sights / mountains etc. The stylish residence is home to contemporary art exhibits, such as the Kunsthalle and Migros Contemporary Art Museum, as well as other private galleries and businesses. This is a gravel walkway in a large open space where dogs can roam off-leash. The brand new building and exhibition dedicated to all-things-football will surely pump you up. Since you are traveling on Christmas Eve, double check restaurant hours though. Kaferberg is nice because it’s less touristy than Uetliberg. Many restaurants are open though, so you don’t have to worry. I will Viel Spass beim Surfen. Plus, the mountains aren’t too far away, and you could easily escape to some winter wonderlands nearby :), Let me know if you have any more questions! Rajib. Again, completely up to you… but a very thoughtful question! It’s great fun for them and for pet lovers! Regards, While many restaurants feature fondue and raclette this time of year [click here for the best fondue restaurants in Zurich], the Swiss prefer to have it at home with family and friends. could you help us skiing options? Just promise me that, if and when you see the sun, you’ll revel in it!! Simple and delicious. How will be weather end of January? 1 Std. Saunieren im Winter, Kunstfahrten mit dem Tram, Einkaufen mal anders und grosszügige Ausblicke zum Beispiel. Das führende Ausflugs und Freizeit Portal der Schweiz zeigt Ihnen was Sie nicht verpassen sollten. my husnaband and I plan to to come in mid january to exoerirnperience the winter. Merry Christmas, SO… for a snow guarantee, I would definitely plan to visit the mountains. Happy to answer your questions! Thanks for sharing about your trip. Hier finden Sie bestimmt Ihr nächstes Ausflugsziel. If you’d like to take a walking tour in Zurich, visit the Free Walk Zurich website to learn about all our tours. Check out my post Christmas in Zurich for what to expect from this city over the holidays. You’re sure to find some fun things as you wander through this museum-for-sale. If you’re feeling bold and edgy, see what’s going on at the Maag Music Hall and Schiffbau’s Schauspielhaus in hip ZuriWest. Für schöne Tage im Schnee mit der ganzen Familie gibt es hier noch mehr tolle Schneeschuh- und Winterwanderungen. Die Region Zürich bietet im Winter zahlreiche Ausflugsmöglichkeiten, die gut mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr erreichbar sind. Hailey Domeck is a Southern girl with a Spanish heart and Swiss soul. Mit 1-2 Huskys am Bauchgurt stapfen Sie auf der Huskytour durch die mystische Vollmondnacht. Zürich ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für vielseitige Ausflüge. Even in big ski areas, like Davos or Grindelwald, groomed hiking trails are open and available to adventurers! I am excited to hear that you’ll be visiting Switzerland over the Christmas season. They loved it! I’ve just booked to stay in Zurich with my wife departing LHR from January 9 – 13, 2020. I want to take the maximum advantage of my trip, Hi Harry! Das Hörnli ist mit 1133 Metern über Meer die höchste Erhebung im Kanton Zürich und liegt vollständig im Zürcher Oberland. Spending Friday in Zurich is a good idea. If you are visiting Zurich from late November through December, then you just have to get out and enjoy the Christmas festivities! Thank you, Dave, Hi Dave! Das Jura & Drei-Seen-Land in der Schweiz bietet Wanderrouten im Jura, in Neuenburg, Biel Seeland, Berner Jura und in Solothurn an. Leave crowded Banhofstrasse behind (unless it’s Christmas season!) Shop like a local Im weltbekannten Saas Fee sind die Aktivitäten im Winter fast unendlich. Bests, Plus, it will put you close to one of my favorite restaurants, Fork & Bottle, next to the river and across the highway from the Brunau train stop. Get Cheesey Hi Kiruthivasan, Das führende Ausflugs und Freizeit Portal der Schweiz – Seit 1998. I am planning to visit Zurich and Lucerne end of January with my family ( 7 and 4 yrs kids) for 3-4 days. Öffnungszeiten: Im Sommer Montag-Sonntag 9-19 Uhr, im Winter Montag-Sonntag 10-17 Uhr Eintritt: Erwachsene 5 Franken, Jugendliche (10-16 Jahre) 2 Franken Mehr Info s zum Flughafen Zürich. Und wenn ihr Thun kennt, spricht nichts dagegen, das schöne Städtchen immer wieder zu besuchen, oder? Warm regards, H. Hi! Hi Hailey! Share this. It’s such a fun city in the summertime! On clear days, you can see so much of the Alps from the top of the mountain! If there is one advantage to visiting Switzerland in the winter, it’s a free pass to eat all the melted cheese your stomach can handle. Seit 25 Jahren organisieren wir als Nummer 1 in der Schweiz Mitarbeiterausflüge, Gruppenreisen, Firmenevents, Kundenanlässe und Vereinsreisen von A bis Z. Egal ob Sie in einer Minigruppe oder in einer grossen Gesellschaft unterwegs sind, ob Sie es genussvoll-gemütlich mögen, einen Plausch-Tag erleben wollen oder aussergewöhnliche Ideen suchen, Erlebnis Schweiz bietet … • T H A N K F U L • Even if you can’t bring home a wooden chair from the early 20th century, rambling through this Brocki makes for an enjoyable respite from winter weather. Personally, I recommend staying in the city center somewhere around the main train station (Zurich HB), near Bellevue and the Alt Stadt/Niederdorf, or in trendy ZuriWest. Im Winter locken in und um Zürich unzählige Skigebiete, Rodelpisten, Eisbahnen und Langlaufloipen zum sportlichen Winterspass. Vom Tagesausflug bis hin zu Wochenende-Trips. 7 Things to Do in Zurich in the Winter. The best part is the views from their rooftop pool! Über uns. When the raclette starts bubbling, you slide it off the pan and onto your pile of potatoes. Empfehlenswerte Winterwanderungen in Saas-Fee: Winterwanderung von der Hannigalp zum Alpenblick und weiter nach Saas-Fee oder Winterwandern auf dem Kreuzboden nach Saas-Grund. In my three winters living there, we had one January that was very cold and a TON of snow. Hi Kat – thanks for leaving a comment. and slip over to a secret shopping spot at the Zurcher Brockenhaus. We are hoping for somewhere that is quiet, has a nice view and have some sort of hiking trails nearby? Ausflugsziele » Regionen » Ausflüge in Zürich und Umgebung im Winter, Ausflugsziele.ch - Hardturmstrasse 126a - 8005 Zürich - Tel: +41 43 818 22 69 - Mail: kontakt(at)ausflugsziele.ch, © 1998 - 2020 Ausflugsziele.ch® - Made with, Ausflüge in Zürich und Umgebung im Winter, Welt der Indianer und Inuit Kulturen – sinnlicher Museumsparcours, Eis für alle – Kunsteisbahn Dolder in Zürich, Adventskalender-Überraschung im Schoggihüsli, Weihnachtszeit: feiner BuureZmorge auf dem Bauernhof, Alpamare: Schwimmbäder und spektakuläre Rutschenwelt, Übernachten im geheizten Holziglu – im Atzmännig, Battlepark – Spiel-Action wie bei „Schlag den Raab“, Indoor Parcours: Elektro-Fahrzeuge testfahren. How do you beat the winter blues while traveling? 3) I totally know what you mean about the “cubierto” charge in Spain and Italy! And then there’s always shopping around ZuriWest…. What better way to improve your mood with a bit of spa therapy? With dozens of exhibits to explore, the Landesmuseum Zürich is a good place to roam on rainy days. (I imagine it’s wonderful.) I suppose your question is a bit loaded, and I’d need a little more info about your trip to Zurich. ... Zürich, 19.11. Early December is a great time to visit Zurich, as the Christmas spirit is everywhere! Und falls Ihnen das noch nicht abenteuerlich genug ist, sollten Sie unbedingt unsere Themen- und Erlebnispfade erkunden. And it comes in two ways! Bei uns finden Sie für Ihr Team den passenden Event! I will only be there about 4-5 days. hi Hailey Zurich does get snow sometimes, but it’s not predictable. But if you have a particular place in mind, call ahead and make a reservation. Also a few cities worth visiting besides Bern and Basel. Unsere Erlebnisse sind wie gewohnt buchbar. Required fields are marked *. They are fantastic places to breathe in the fresh winter air. The FIFA World Football Museum According to Trip Advisor, the number one activity in Zurich – all year long – is take a walking tour with Free Walk Zurich. Visiting Zurich and Grindelwald over four days is certainly doable – even in the winter. Zurich has a wide variety of venues for live performances. I do have a list of my favorite restaurants in the city: https://globalheartbeattravel.com/zurich-eats/. I’ll send you an email so we can work more specifically with your trip to Switzerland. I encourage you to enjoy these dining experiences to your heart’s content in the winter. Hi there, It’s totally up to you, but it meant a lot to me when guests would tip me above the average – because it illustrated their appreciation of the time and effort I would put into my tours. (I lived in Spain for two years after uni, and man, I ate a lot of bread as a result of that special service – ha!) Ab Zürich West gelangt man am schnellsten über die A3 bis Reichenburg und dort beim Autobahnkreuz auf die A53 in Richtung Hinwil. All the prices in “Rp” currency. Really helpful post!! Eine Huskytour durch die Vollmondnacht. There are tons of walking trails (the yellow “Wanderweg” signs) in Zuriberg, Uetliberg, and Kaferberg, the three hills the surround the city. We visiting Zurich for the first time from December, 28 to January, 1. 2 Ausflugsziel: Seilpark Zürich Falls ihr Thun noch nicht kennt, habt ihr etwas verpasst! Best wishes, In Italy and Spain we experienced a kind of specific behaviour – you ordering something from menu, then the waitress brings you bread that you didn’t order, without asking if you want it or not (even if you ordered a pizza) and then at the end of the dinner they charge you for this bread. Auch im Winter sind die hohen Berggipfel, die vereisten Seen oder die verwunschenen Städtchen und Dörfer immer eine Reise oder zumindest einen Tagesausflug wert. The Swiss National Museum You can learn all about Switzerland’s history at this newly renovated castle museum next to the train station. Is this the same thing in Zurich? Personally, I love the Bernese Oberland, as I shared in my post “In the Heart of Jungfrau” (https://globalheartbeattravel.com/jungfrau/). means 29.90 Swiss franc (and usually fondue is a per person charge). Visit a museum or two Zurich has loads of museums that will entertain, educate, and offer you shelter when unsavory weather strikes. For more shopping off-the-tourist-trek, stroll down Europaallee, on the Sihlpost side of the train tracks. Learn how your comment data is processed. Came across your site while researching for a trip my wife and I planning for Dec 2019 – Rhine River cruise with extra time for sightseeing. Also, if you happen to be dog lovers and are here on a weekend, a great place for a FLAT walk with some entertaining company is along the Sihl River in “the Allmend Park”. Let me know if you have any more questions! The city is magical this time of year. The renovated and reinvented brewery from 1897 is one of my favorite buildings in trendy ZuriWest. Splurge on yourself What you will have to convince your servers to do is bring you free tap water… it’s customary here to buy bottled water at restaurants, even though there are HUNDREDS of drinking fountains across the city. Als Alternative für diesen Tagesausflug von Zürich nach Rapperswil kannst du den Zug … Your email address will not be published. I would recommend that you start the tour thinking of giving 5 CHF per person, and if you think your guide did an outstanding job, you could consider giving a little more. Continue the adventure and join my travel team today! Zurich has loads of museums that will entertain, educate, and offer you shelter when unsavory weather strikes. 1. If this is your first trip to Zurich, I wouldn’t recommend the Lindt factory, as it’s just a giant superstore and you can’t tour the factory itself anymore. Please let me know if you have any more questions. Catch a show Sommer Ausflug. As a wife, mom, and travel addict, her love for mountains, fairy-tales, and great food keep her mind and heart always on the lookout for the next great adventure. 30 Min. Kanutour auf dem schönsten Wildfluss Europas - Reuss Die Rigi ist ein Bergmassiv etwa 50 Kilometer südlich von Zürich. I know of several Indian restaurants in Zurich, but I haven’t eaten at any in Basel or Bern, so I can’t recommend any there personally. HD. Some people pay less, some people pay more. I would like to see some snowing and relax little bit Do I have to go to some alpine city or it snows in Zürich during first week of January ? Lust auf Action oder darf es etwas romantischer sein? I hope you have a nice time in Zurich this summer. I hope this helps and I hope you have a great time in Zurich! I hope you and your sister have a great time in Zurich! However, I have not visited that region in the winter… but I can imagine its beauty! Both Zurich and Basel are very manageable cities to walk around, as they aren’t too big and the public transportation is great. All of Switzerland is well connected by train, and the journey from Grindelwald to Zurich takes a little over 2.5 hours. We have around 6 hours to explore the country! For example: We are there from first week in January 2019 and we are seeking some suggestions and was wondering if you could assist with some ideas of where to visit and stay in the mountains etc. But if you are traveling to Switzerland from overseas, having a day in Zurich to adjust to the time zone is helpful. I hope you enjoy your time in Zurich! Wieso nicht wieder einmal für einen Ausflug eine neue Stadt entdecken? Hi Amber!