Die größte Community rund um OMSI - betreut von den offiziellen Entwicklern. Das neue Forum befindet sich auf www.omnibussimulator.de/forum ! Sie wurde zwischen 2007 und 2011 von Marcel Kuhnt und Rüdiger Hülsmann unter dem Firmennamen MR Software entwickelt. The official Facebook Page of OMSI 2! You are about to leave OMSI - WebDisk & Community to get redirected to the following address: Please note, that the target website is not operated by us. Welcome to the OMSI-WebDisk! If you're not able to speak the topic language than write in English! Die Simulation spielt im Jahr 1989; es wird die damalige Omnibuslinie 92 in Berlin-Spandau simuliert. Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Marcels OMSI-Forum. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Don’t have an account yet? –, reboot.omsi-webdisk.de in the WSC-Connect App on Google Play, reboot.omsi-webdisk.de in the WSC-Connect App on the App Store. © 2013-2021 OMSI - WebDisk & Community. Im realen Leben fahre ich Züge von A nach B. Editing of image files, image editing programs, integration in OMSI & Co. – omnibussimulator.de Repaints by Manas - Bus Repaints / Bus repaints - Marcels OMSI-Forum Since 2014 made and operated with in the Federal Republic of Germany. bin hier nur der stille "Mitleser". Marcel's OMSI-Forum The forum is in reduced operation. OMSI - Der Omnibussimulator Dieses Forum wurde geschlossen. Registered users can choose the visibility of other languages in their control panel, more informations here.All topics are marked with a language flag inside the forums: = English [EN], = German [DE], = French [FR]. Marcel Birthday Feb 9th 2001 (19) Gender Male Location Neuwied Occupation Triebfahrzeugführer Favourite... Favourite bus OMSI alle mit Morphi Soundpack :P Favourite map OMSI Städtedreieck V3, Ahlheim V4 (wenn sie endlich erscheint :D), Ahlheim&Laurenzbach Updated Contact Options Username in OMSI forum (OOF/MOF) MarcelP2001 Since 2014 made and operated with in the Federal Republic of Germany. Gemerkt von: Christoph Asch. © 2013-2021 OMSI - WebDisk & Community. This site uses cookies. Entdecken. [OMSI 1 und OMSI 2] Steinbach Version 1.01 - Fiktive Karten - Marcels OMSI-Forum Marcel Kuhnt, Entwickler des Bus-Simulators OMSI, und die größte OMSI-Community betreuen Spieler und Interessierte und geben Antworten auf Fragen zum Programm. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. As guest you can only see content in your selected language! Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Strecke originalgetreu nachgebaut und in das Spiel eingebunden. Not sure if this has been said here on fellowsfilm already but Marcels OMSI-Forum is back up.. Welcome to the OMSI-WebDisk! ... ellen LOTUS-Forum vom Forumsbetreiber Oriolus Software GmbH (Janine & Marcel Kuhnt) eigenmächtig und ohne vorherige Rücksprache mit uns am 23.12.2019 entfernt. We are not responsible for it's content nor does our privacy policy apply there. Welcome to the OMSI-WebDisk! Pinterest. Welcome to the OMSI-WebDisk! Heute. We are not responsible for it's content nor does our privacy policy apply there. You are about to leave OMSI - WebDisk & Community to get redirected to the following address: Please note, that the target website is not operated by us. Terrain paint disappears whenever I reload the map, Change seats texture on MAN DL (Berlin X10). -MB 0530 G (with 4 doors) | Mercedes-Benz O530 G + O530 V2, O520 V2 - Neue Busse / New busses - Marcels OMSI-Forum -3 coaches MXA hév. –, reboot.omsi-webdisk.de in the WSC-Connect App on Google Play, reboot.omsi-webdisk.de in the WSC-Connect App on the App Store. Support In case of questions regarding the installation or activation of OMSI 2 or problems in general please contact the Aerosoft-Support: [email protected] aerosoft.de Visit our website and our forum in order to keep up with the latest news and share information and self-developed add-ons for OMSI … As guest you can only see content in your selected language! The omnibus line 92 (today called M37) runs more than 11 kilometres through the Berlin district Spandau. Als Gast kannst du nur Inhalte in deiner ausgewählten Sprache sehen. The Addon and Support forums remain open. All topics are marked with a language flag inside the forums: = … Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Don’t have an account yet? By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. OMSI 2 Community & Hilfe-Forum. Registered users can choose the visibility of other languages in their control panel, more informations here. Jump to. Informationen, Fragen, Antworten, Support und vieles mehr zum legendären Omnibussimulator! If you're not able to speak the topic language than write in English! OMSI Der Omnibussimulator ist eine Berufssimulation für Windows, die im Februar 2011 als Downloadversion und im März 2011 auf DVD-ROM von Aerosoft veröffentlicht wurde. Registered users can choose the visibility of other languages in their control panel, more informations here.All topics are marked with a language flag inside the forums: = English [EN], = German [DE], = French [FR]. ... ellen LOTUS-Forum vom Forumsbetreiber Oriolus Software GmbH (Janine & Marcel Kuhnt) eigenmächtig und ohne vorherige Rücksprache mit uns am 23.12.2019 entfernt. This site uses cookies. 8 talking about this. The official Facebook Page of OMSI 2! – Omsi spiele ich schon seit Omsi 1, also schon ziemlich lange. As guest you can only see content in your selected language! As guest you can only see content in your selected language! Register yourself now and be a part of our community! 7 talking about this. All rights reserved. Registered users can choose the visibility of other languages in their control panel, more informations here.All topics are marked with a language flag inside the forums: = English [EN], = German [DE], = French [FR]. 1000 | In the original map OMSI.The Bus Simulator (Omsi.exe) latest version , - Some graphical details along the route - Accident black spots resolved - Passengers waiting at the stops even after several trips - Service runs back to the depot can be cancelled - Graphics driver repair function for NVIDIA® cards - Game-controller configuration wizard OMSI 2 ist ab 12.12.2013 im Handel erhältlich! Jump to. Beiträge von Eisenbahner V200 Willkommen in der OMSI-WebDisk! Anmelden. Marcel Kuhnt, Entwickler des Bus-Simulators OMSI, und die größte OMSI-Community betreuen Spieler und Interessierte und geben Antworten auf Fragen zum Programm. Register yourself now and be a part of our community! OMSI takes the player back to West-Berlin in the 1980s. Sonst hab ich relativ wenig mit Bussen zu tun. Registrierte Nutzer können die Sichtbarkeit anderer Sprachen in ihrem Kontrollzentrum aktivieren, weitere Infos hier. Registrieren. All rights reserved. | In the original map Tram no. The virtual bus driver will be provided with detailed models of the contemporary MAN doubledeckers SD200 and SD202 from different years of manufacture. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. If you're not able to speak the topic language than write in English! By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.