Further details on the concept of courses can be found in the detailed description. For information on Erasmus+ traineeships please contact the Office for EU Traineeships. During the current coronavirus crisis, members of the emergency committee include: If necessary, additional persons shall be consulted in an advisory capacity, such as representatives of the student body or the Student Services Organisation. If limitations on contact are relaxed, face-to-face meetings will be resumed step by step. Students who have experienced disruptions in the course of the summer semester due to the corona pandemic may apply for exemption from fees for prolonged study in winter semester 2020/21. Lokal. This includes anyone. For the time being, spaces must be booked in advance. Additional study areas are available in the atrium of the main university building (“Lichthof”). Depending on the course and specifications of the relevant non-university administrative bodies and facilities, many students require course certificates. Regulations for determining application deadlines (date of the oral examination "viva voce") shall remain unaffected. 4.1.1 What measures apply to staff who may be more vulnerable to the effects of the coronavirus? If necessary and wherever possible, faculties may open additional work and study areas located within faculty buildings. 2.1.1 Which hygiene requirements must be observed at LUH? Under strict compliance with hygiene measures to ensure the well-being of children, parents and staff, the facilities aim to return to day-to-day business. Personal appointments with ptb staff, as well as telephone consultations or online counselling via the ptb website must be booked in advance. In addition, the website provides information on internal and external advisory services as well as selected emergency numbers. If enrolment has been terminated due to completing your degree course (“bestandene Prüfung”), final failure of your degree course (“endgültig nicht bestandene Prüfung”) or failure to re-register (“fehlende Rückmeldung”), you will receive confirmation after approximately two months. General queries may be sent via email to the following address: internationaloffice@uni-hannover.de or by calling +49 0511-762 2548. Größe: ca. Coronavirus pandemic: amended regulations at LUH, Multimedia portal of the Hannover Science Initiative, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and the university’s profile. In order to ensure the welfare of LUH employees, duties shall only be performed on university premises if this is strictly necessary. Members of teaching staff who need to access technical equipment provided by the university (such as a stable internet connection) in order to facilitate digital teaching activities should use their offices on campus. Prof. Dr. Joachim Escher zum Vizepräsidenten der DMV gewählt Amtszeit beginnt am 1. once you have arrived in your host country, you will receive the usual grant for your stay. If this is not the case, please contact the respective members of teaching staff in order to clarify the matter. When organising your journey, please check the conditions for entering Germany listed on the websites of the Federal Foreign Office as well as the current entry requirements implemented for your country of origin via the German embassy/consulate in your home country. Es ist die Landschaft und die weiten Wald- und Wanderwege und die hundefreundlichen Hotels,welche einen Urlaub mit Hund im Ort Hannover so abwechslungsreich machen. Tips regarding provisions and activities during self-isolation. Powered by Stadthunde.com.Stadthunde.com - das Lifestyle-Portal für Hundefans! Detailed information can be found in the hygiene measures as well as in the Hygiene measures for written and oral examinations. An overview of the registration process can be found here. The following provisions shall apply for the PC lab:The PC lab on the second floor of the Faculty of Economics and Management on Conti-Campus (building 1501) may be accessed on Tuesdays (12.30-16.30), Wednesdays (8.30-12.30) and Thursdays (8.30-12.30). KP1 should notify any close contacts so that they can reduce contacts to an absolute minimum while waiting for the test result of KP1. From winter semester 2020/2021, there are no general deadline extensions for theses. Learn more, Seasonal workersFarmers throughout Germany are in urgent need of assistance due to the absence of seasonal workers from abroad. Can I keep the Erasmus grants I have received? Nach der Anmeldung musst du als Hundehalter auch Hundesteuer zahlen. Personal appointments with ptb staff, as well as telephone consultations or online counselling via the ptb website must be booked in advance. Winter semester. 2.3 Who do I contact if I have additional questions regarding hygiene measures at LUH? 9.2 What regulations apply for projects in receipt of funding within the scope of the EU programme Horizon 2020? The idea is based on the buddy project and aims to provide assistance in everyday life, particularly for those at higher risk for more severe complications from Covid-19. In cases of social hardship, tenants of Studentenwerk Hannover (Student Services Organisation Hannover) may pay overdue rent in instalments. The Gesund @ home website provides information on how to create a healthy work environment at home, such as useful guidelines and tips regarding ergonomics, exercise and relaxation, dealing with stress or pressure and much more. Anyone coming to Hannover from a high-risk area must comply with the regulations for entering the country and keep in mind the possibility of required self-isolation when planning their trip (see section 8.3.3). At Leibniz University Hannover internationalisation is of great importance. Compact courses, tandem courses and writing consultations are available. During leave of absence, you cannot attend lectures, attain credit points or sit examinations. 2.1. Fax: +49 511 953-6203. Das Institut für Tierzucht und Vererbungsforschung an der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover erstellt eine Datenbank für langlebige Hunde. Following consultation with their supervisor, members of staff who have not been assigned an employee ID card (such as student and academic assistants) may enter the respective building within the scope of their duties. Degree programmes at Leibniz University Hannover. For detailed information, please contact the respective Examination Board. Auf der jeweiligen Uni-Sei … – Studis Online-Forum Work-related meetings with external guests must be held via digital media. General queries may be sent via email to the following address: internationaloffice@uni-hannover.de or by calling +49 0511-762 2548. New options and tools are constantly being added. Children must be dropped off and picked up at a given time in order to maintain sufficient distance. The options and tools below for off-campus teaching including support services have been compiled by the E-Learning Service Department (elsa) of the Centre for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (ZQS) in collaboration with the Department for Human Resources Development (SG 11). Mehrere Rechtsextreme haben in Hannover laut Polizei einen Mann beleidigt und einen Hund auf ihn gehetzt - der biss dem Opfer offenbar ins Bein. Information on online seminars can be found here. Bei Anschaffung eines Hundes oder Umzug mit Hund nach Hannover musst du deinen Hund innerhalb von 1 Woche bei der Stadt anmelden. The PC lab on the second floor as well as study areas on the fourteenth floor of Conti-Campus are available for students of all faculties. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Hunde und Welpen kaufen oder verkaufen - Jetzt in Hannover finden oder inserieren! To prepare for the event of an infection, records must be kept of anyone who has spent time in these areas, e.g. Students may submit their thesis electronically, e.g. The European Commission facilitates the implementation of projects by providing flexible conditions such as. In the 2014/15 school year it enrolled 25,688 students, of which 2,121 were from foreign countries. 17.12.20; What options are available to me? In accordance with section 56 paragraph 5 of the law on Preventing and Combating Infectious Diseases, continued remuneration will be provided over a maximum period of six weeks. Yes, it is possible to submit your signed request for leave of absence via email. This is necessary due to data protection regulations. Hunde zum Verkauf in Hannover, Niedersachsen. These areas are available for a maximum period of 4 hours. Leibniz Universität Hannover. Urlaub mit Hund in Hannover Wenn es nicht ohne den Vierbeiner in den Urlaub gehen soll, dann findest du hier tierfreundliche Ferienwohnungen und Ferienhäuser in Hannover und Umgebung. The dean of research offices and doctoral committees in the relevant faculty must make arrangements for current doctoral proceedings. 2.1.4 Where can I find templates for signs that can be used for examinations and events? info@hundebetreuung-hannover.de. In winter semester 2020/2021, the JuniorSTUDIUM programme will be held online. Urgent mail may be submitted via the administration post box labelled “Verwaltung” in front of the mail room. nur für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. 8.3 International students and staff in Hannover. Da schmecken Stulle, Obst und Gemüse gleich viel besser. Wir möchten Hundehaltern, Hundetrainern und Fachleuten rund um den Hund einen Ort bieten, an dem sie ihr … This also applies to theses that have already been scheduled to commence. Hannover 96 Brotdose, Brotbüchse, Lunchbox, Frühstücksbox H96; Die praktische Brotdose von Hannover 96 ist der perfekte Begleiter für Schule, Uni oder Büro. The Admissions Office will inform affected students about the further course of action from mid-January – i.e. In addition, members of LUH staff may participate as subjects in the pilot project “Mobile Corona Analytik”, a mobile coronavirus testing unit. Jitsi and BigBlueButton are internal tools hosted at LUH. Please do not hesitate to contact pme emergency childcare services with any queries. 4.1 Do all members of staff have to work from home? The following provisions apply for study areas on the fourteenth floor:On the fourteenth floor of the Conti building (1502), 46 workspaces can be accessed by students enrolled at LUH. Opening hours: Monday-Thursday between 9.00-13.00 and 14.15-18.15. In individual cases and upon request, the Examination Board shall decide whether an extension of the completion period for a thesis is granted. This may be implemented within the scope of the assessment types indicated in the examination regulations. Licenses for the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) portal will be provided at the start of the virtual period so you can improve your language skills and prepare for your virtual and physical mobility as effectively as possible. Wollen Sie wissen, wer in den Top 100 ist? Contact partners for your degree programme can be found at www.uni-hannover.de/en/universitaet/organisation/dezernate/dezernat-6/i-amt/mitarbeit/. Telefon: +49 511 953-6200 3.2.1 ServiceCenter, Examination Office, Admissions Office, Student Advisory Service, International Office. Am I allowed to go? Please use your LUH email address and attach all required certificates. Information on the course of action if someone has tested positive after they have spent time at LUH can be found in section 2.2.1. In addition, please refer to the information regarding the use of study areas and PC labs (FAQ 3.1.1), the notebook rental service for students (FAQ and the availability of reading areas (FAQ 3.1.2). Supervisors are also requested to explore the possibilities of working in shifts. Please determine whether face-to-face meetings are strictly necessary. If the printed version is submitted via post, please obtain a formal statement confirming that the document has been duly sent. Requests will be processed by the regional student services organisation and must be submitted via this online IT platform. Login ... Meine Uni: Login ohne WebSSO . At Leibniz University Hannover internationalisation is of great importance. Es wurden bereits Mutationen für Cystinurie identifiziert, die in Genen liegen, die für das Aminosäuretransportsystem b0, + kodieren (SLC3A1 und SLC7A9). Im Jahre 2014 haben wir den Bereich der Bildung zum Thema Hund aus der Hundeschule Spasshund ausgegliedert und so ist die Hunde-UNI entstanden. For multiple sessions – such as within the scope of a lecture, a practical laboratory course or a seminar – it may not be advisable to collect data for each individual session. Relevant contacts include anyone who has had contact with an infected person within the past 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms. Last Change: The application form confirmed by the examiners including the assigned topic must be submitted to the respective clerk at the Examination Office - both as a pdf-attachment via email and by post. Students intending to move into student housing provided by Studentenwerk (student services organisation) must take into account that this is only possible if they submit a negative coronavirus test result. As examinations have been suspended, students could not complete any assessments or course units. +49 511 762 5198. Information on registration and examination periods can be found on the website of the Examination Office. Events in LUH buildings involving external guests (receptions, readings etc.) Until the end of 2021, student loans provided by the KfW bank are free of interest. Hunde und Katzen, 5 allgemeine Untersuchungsräume, Guest students may register for courses via email or telephone. Lokal. If students cannot complete their placement (completely or partially), they should contact the relevant institute or member of teaching staff to determine equivalent options or to discuss whether they can reschedule their course of study. Furthermore, students may only enter the main university building and the lecture hall building on Conti-Campus to validate their LeibnizCard (main university building: in the basement at the front of the building; Conti-Campus: in the foyer of building 1507; in the LUIS facilities in building 1210). Business trips within Germany or abroad must be approved by the Presidential Board. Personen ohne LUH-ID, Gasthörende, Gäste und Administrierende. Zum vierten Mal bietet die neue Hundemesse „HUND & Co.“ auf dem Messegelände in Hannover Hundefreunden aus ganz Norddeutschland perfekte Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und ein vielseitiges Ausstellungsprogramm. 01.07.2019, 14.03 Uhr Icon: Twitter Einfach. Please send an email to studium@uni-hannover.de. Any cases where this seems impossible must be justified and proposed to the Presidential Board. Kooperation international: Useful links and further information including DAAD, DFG, HRK, foundations, etc. 7.5.1 I have been notified that I will be required to pay tuition fees for long-term students from winter semester 2020/2021. With the consent of the respective department, unpaid special leave may be granted – provided that official duties are not affected. If the test result is negative, travellers are no longer required to remain in self-isolation. nur für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. 2.2.1 What is the correct procedure if someone tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 or realises that they have a COVID-19 infection after they have spent time at Leibniz University Hannover? Please note that valid reasons for disruption of studies must be substantiated in writing. 5.1 Will teaching activities in winter semester 2020/2021 take place as normal? Parents are no longer required to provide proof of their key role. Sehen Sie sich hier die ganze Liste unserer besten Hundetrainer aus Hannover und Umgebung an, mit bewertet von der StarOfService-Community in Region Hannover - Niedersachsen. Service Hotline / Student Advisory Services Our service hotline will be pleased to assist you! Suche. Other tools may be used if aspects of information security and data protection are observed. Im kommenden Jahr findet zum bereits vierten Mal in Hannover die HUND & Co. statt. As a precaution, save or make a note of the (emergency) phone numbers of the nearest German mission abroad. Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Institut für Tierzucht und Vererbungsforschung Bünteweg 17p 30559 Hannover When entering the building, a printed or digital copy of the confirmation email must be presented to the guard on the ground floor of building 1502 on Conti-Campus. 10.1.2 May contact details be collected in the context of face-to-face sessions at LUH? As long as they do not display any symptoms themselves, contacts must wait for further instructions by their local health office. Hannover 96 Brotdose, Brotbüchse, Lunchbox, Frühstücksbox H96; Die praktische Brotdose von Hannover 96 ist der perfekte Begleiter für Schule, Uni oder Büro. All hygiene measures must be complied with. As soon as the superior or the dean of studies office has been notified, they should inform the local health office that someone in their department has a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Currently, students are not required to submit a confirmation issued by a lecturer. https://www.zqs.uni-hannover.de/de/qs/lernraum/buchung. If confirmation is urgently required – for example, to enrol at another university – you must submit a formal request. Contact information: personalentwicklung@zuv.uni-hannover.de. For example, hygiene measures for events taking place in the atrium of the main university building ("Lichthof") are available via Alumni, Fundraising and Event Management or the Occupational Safety Department. Weiß jemand, wo ich erfahren kann, ob es erlaubt ist, einen Hund mit zur Uni zu nehmen? Das tierische Messe-Highlight gehört mit rund 150 Ausstellern und knapp 20.000 Besuchern zu den größten Veranstaltungen dieser Art in Deutschland. If you have any queries, please contact the relevant International Office staff member via telephone or email. The respective supervisors shall decide whether duties at LUH must be carried out on-site or may be performed while working from home. Moreover, the Leibniz School of Education will gladly assist both students and teaching staff with any queries regarding school placements. Die Rassezugehörigkeit spielt keine Rolle. This is apparent in the array of remarkable international collaborations in research and teaching. Die praktische Brotdose von Hannover 96 ist der perfekte Begleiter für Schule, Uni oder Büro. If it is strictly necessary to meet in person, the regulations on hygiene implemented at LUH must be observed. +49 800 801 007 080. Die praktische Brotdose von Hannover 96 ist der perfekte Begleiter für Schule, Uni oder Büro. Please make sure to specify a submission deadline with your supervisor. und Umgebung. Wollen Sie wissen, wer in den Top 100 ist? Hund an Uni? If you would like to apply for an admission extension, please contact the Admissions team. Without prior appointment, the foreigners' authorities as well as the naturalisation department in the HannoverServiceCenter (Schützenplatz 1) are currently closed to the public. For general queries, please send an email to internationaloffice@uni-hannover.de or call +49 511 762-2548. "Corona Support Hannover - Solidarity instead of Panic Buying" aims to connect those in need and those willing to help, as well as to support other social initiatives. Please bear in mind these issues when considering whether your journey is strictly necessary at this point in time. Furthermore, community areas ("Saalgemeinschaften") at IK-Haus on Campus Maschinenbau are open. Information on any changes will be duly provided on the LLC website and in the module descriptions prior to course commencement. €115.00 for the Studentenwerk (Student Services Organisation), €231.03 for the SemesterCard (GVH + national semester ticket), €75.00 contribution to administrative costs, €2.20 for the "Semesterticketausfallfonds" (semester ticket funding provided in cases of hardship), self-financing project extensions for a maximum period of 6 months, postponing submission deadlines for deliverables and reports, Coronavirus hotline of the state government of Lower Saxony: +49 511 120 6000, Coronavirus hotline of the Federal Ministry of Health: +49 30 346 465 100. Please note that the situation in various countries is extremely dynamic and unpredictable. Immer Samstags 12.30h bzw. According to information issued by the Federal Foreign Office, international students who cannot continue their studies from abroad may enter Germany. Thank you for your patience until then. Paid special leave for other members of staff (“Tarifbeschäftigte”) may be requested for a maximum of three days. 8.1. Zur Übersicht. In the event that you are required to remain in self-isolation, the International Office cannot assist in ensuring you have sufficient provisions. Schnapp dir deinen Hund und spannt gemeinsam aus. Phone +49 511 762 2020. We are in constant contact with the relevant administrative bodies and facilities in order to establish possible solutions for the matter, such as extending deadlines. There are ten workspaces available. Hund an Uni? Additional costs for fellows may be included in the project costs. The infected person is asked to notify their superior (members of staff) or the respective dean of studies office (students) indicating the date, time and duration as well as details on the form of contact, such as while maintaining the minimum distance or while wearing a face mask or covering. 5.1.3 How can I find out whether sessions listed in Stud.IP take place online or face-to-face? If possible, working from and staying at home until a test result is available is the safest option. Students enrolled at a recognised higher education institution in Germany, who live in Germany and have not taken leave of absence at the time of application, are eligible to apply. If necessary, they will be approached by the local health office. Learn more, Corona School A group of German students has established the Corona School website, a free and digital platform that brings together school pupils and university students in order to provide support with understanding course content in light of the suspension of classroom learning in schools. Will this take place? Please check this website for new developments at LUH as well as following the news for provisions in Germany, Lower Saxony and Hannover.