Application deadlines for enrolment are as follows: for courses starting in October of that year (Winter's term): June 1 - July 15 for courses starting in April of that year (Summer's term): Dezember 1 - January 15 Applications must be submitted online via our central student server, STiNE.. Unterlagen, die in Papierform an das Campus-Center gesendet werden, werden vernichtet. The application deadline marks the beginning of Universität Hamburg's admission procedure. Bachelor. This page: UHH > HBS – Hamburg Business School > Academic Affairs > Bachelor’s Programs Bachelor’s Programs The Faculty of Business Administration offers a broad range of programs with manifold options for specialization and excellent professional prospects. Um ein örtlich zulassungsbeschränktes Fach mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Es bestehen Zulassungsbeschränkungen („Numerus clausus"). Applicants must meet the following requirements to be considered for admission to the M.Sc. You can apply online to Universität Hamburg during the application period. University, Country. Applicants must have completed a first university degree (e.g., Bachelor degree or equivalent of at least 180 ECTS) in one of the following fields of study: In case of technical problems regarding the documents, please contact: mibas-application.wiso "AT" Have your degree from outside Germany evaluated by uni-assist All applicants applying with a degree from a university outside of Germany, regardless of citizenship, need to have their documents checked by uni-assist e. V. (University Application Service for International Students). (Concerning exceptions and further comments see below!) Bachelor, Master, Continuing and Executive Education A university experience like no other. In the winter semester 2017/2018, students interested in the study programs "Geomatics" can apply for these modernized study programs. Bei einer Bewerbung für einen Bachelor- oder Staatsexamensstudiengang sind an der Universität Hamburg keine Unterlagen in Papierform einzureichen. uni-assist issues a document called “Vorprüfungsdokumentation” (VPD, preliminary review documentation). With visiting this site I accept that it uses cookies for website analytics. Major/Minor Subject. Date of Final Examination. Folgen Sie den Informationen auf dem Online-Bewerbungs-Portal der Universität Hamburg: (Concerning exceptions and further comments see below!) If you would like individual advising on hardship and compensation regulations, please contact the Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases. Bewerbung Bachelor of Science Geodäsie und Geoinformatik Please note: In winter term 2017/2018 the new regulations for the Bachelor and Master programs "Geodesy and Geoinformatics" will become effective. Universität Hamburg needs this information for the evaluation of your application for MIBAS. This also applies to applicants who want to minor in human movement programs. Paper documents that are sent to campus center will be disposed of. The information here also applies if you have been enrolled in a Studienkolleg, junior studies program, or pre-semester preparatory course; it also applies if you took part in the UHHhilft program, the … All rights reserved,, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases, The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, The Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), Center for a Sustainable University (KNU), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Prospective continuing education students, Bewerbungsinformationen zur Online-Bewerbung, Recognition of foreign educational qualifications. Bachelor's programmes and state examination You must apply for admission to enrol as a first- or higher-semester student in a restricted-admission degree programme. Before applying, please read the following information about our degree programmes and application deadlines. Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases. A photocopy of the degree certificate of your Bachelor degree in physics or mathematics, including a transcript of your grades. Ninety percent of applicants to Universität Hamburg are admitted on the basis of their final grade point average, ten percent on the basis of the number of semesters they have waited since completing their higher education entry qualification. Die Bewerbung erfolgt direkt bei der Universität Hamburg. The most important application requirement to study at Universität Hamburg is proof of a higher education entry qualification (secondary school leaving degree). Study and work in Hamburg. Further information on the Master's programmes at the University of Hamburg can be found here. © 2020 Universität Hamburg. For detailed information about admission procedures, exceptions and facts and figures about admission quotas, please see our information sheets (PDF). This page:UHH > Campus Center > Applying > Bachelor's degree/state examination. This page:UHH > Campus Center > Applying > Bachelor's degree/state examination > Application Procedure > Applying online / application documents. The main requirement for admission to Universität Hamburg is the Abitur (German secondary school leaving certificate) or other proof of higher education entrance eligibility. Sie können bis zu drei Zulassungsanträge stellen (außer für ein Zweitstudium). Please see the information on higher education entrance eligibility for details. At Universität Hamburg, there are hardship and compensation regulations for first-year students with disabilities or chronic diseases with respect to selection procedures for bachelor and other first-degree programs. It must contain your CGPA and the means to convert them into German grading system, minimum passing grade and maximum grade possible. University degree. For precise information, please see our information sheets (PDF). A photocopy of the degree certificate of your Bachelor degree in physics or mathematics, including a transcript of your grades. Applicants for a teaching program with Turkish as a teaching subject need to take a language exam before they apply and submit proof upon enrollment that they have passed. Important notice: Enrollment at Universität Hamburg will take place digitally in the winter semester 2020/21. You will need to enroll once you have been admitted.Enrollment varies in a few details, depending on whether you applied directly to Universität Hamburg (the so-called Hamburg Procedure) or through If your application requires a review of documents, you will be prompted to upload them in the online application form. The general Hochschulreife (higher education entrance qualification, in Germany: Abitur) or an equal preparatory qualification recognised by the agency responsible is required to be admitted to the Bachelor study programme »Fine Arts« with the degree title Bachelor of Fine Arts. Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) Bewerbung um einen Bachelor-Studienplatz Sie möchten sich um einen Studienplatz in einem Bachelorstudiengang bei uns bewerben? Online-Bewerbung Nachdem Sie an der virtuellen Studienberatung teilgenommen haben, bewerben sich StudienanfängerInnen (Bewerber aus Deutschland, anderen EU-Mitgliedsländern sowie Bildungsinländer) ausschließlich über das Online-Bewerbungsverfahren unter (klicken Sie auf Bewerbungsverfahren). Applicants to teaching programs with sports as a teaching subject and to BA programs in human movement need to take an aptitude test at the University before they apply and submit proof upon enrollment that they have passed. Hochschulübergreifender Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Hamburg (HWI) Der hochschulübergreifende Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen wird in Kooperation mit der Universität Hamburg durchgeführt und führt zu einem international anerkannten Abschluss Bachelor of Sciences. Juni bis 15. Before you fill out the online application, please read the PDF broschure: Bewerbungsinformationen zur Online-Bewerbung.To online application portal STiNEDepending on your prior knowledge and your application status, it may be useful to consult the information in the info-boxes to the right and to read the tips below. Die Bewerbungsfrist für ein Wintersemester liegt in dem Zeitraum 1. The degree “Bachelor of Science Psychology” or a degree of a comparable Bachelor of Science program of another higher education institution is a requirement for national as well as international students. Applications must be submitted online via our central student server, STiNE. I am now or have previously been enrolled at Universität Hamburg. STiNE unfortunately only has a German interface. It may be a Bachelor with the specialization in Buddhist or Religious Studies as long as a minimum of 30 credit points (ECTS) for language courses in Sanskrit or Pali have been A bachelor’s degree qualifies you to pursue certain careers and apply for graduate programs. At Universität Hamburg, there are hardship and compensation regulations for first-year students with disabilities or chronic diseases with respect to selection procedures for bachelor and other first-degree programs. © 2020 Universität Hamburg. But then we would need detailed information on your bachelor degree, a transcript of records of the so far received grades in your master, and a confirmation of your university that you will finish your degree before the beginning of our programme. The University of Applied Sciences HSBA is closely linked to Hamburg’s economy, offering academic business studies for working professionals leading to undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. All rights reserved, Team Bewerbung und Zulassung (Application and Admissions Team),, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases, The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, The Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), Center for a Sustainable University (KNU), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Prospective continuing education students, Admission requirements for firstyear students, Supporting documents to submit when applying, Admissions for people with vocational qualifications, Information about online application (PDF), Recognition of foreign education credentials. Program in Politics, Economics and Philosophy at Universität Hamburg. This page contains information for applicants to bachelor's and Staatsexamen programs (programs concluding with a state examination), meaning applicants to the first semester of first-degree programs at Universität Hamburg who are not and have not previously been enrolled in the respective program at another university. In addition to semester dates, the following pages contain numerous other dates and deadlines related to the applicatin procedure, as well as links to subject-specific accceptance and admission exams. Bachelor of Science Psychologie (B.Sc. Wichtig: Eine Bewerbung ist für Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfänger nur zu einem Wintersemester möglich. Your choice of subject determines the degree awarded: subjects in the humanities generally award a Bachelor of Arts, subjects in the natural sciences award a Bachelor of Science, and our two interdisciplinary law programs offer a Bachelor of Laws. Furthermore, uni-assist converts your grade point average (GPA) into the German grading system. The following page contains information about application procedures as well as various application documents. Graduate School for … Acceptance and rejection letters are sent out as soon as all admission applications have been processed. Excellence Initiative Projects. Juli eines Jahres. 4 + 1 = I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of Bewerbung and accept the provisions of the Data Protection Policy. )- DGPs zertifiziert Die Studiengänge in der Psychologie bilden für ein berufliches Tätigkeitsfeld aus, das die Befähigung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit erfordert. Die Bachelor-Studiengang Philosophie erstreckt sich in der Regel über drei Studienjahre bzw. I have missed the application period! 5. If you have any difficulties with the online application process, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Admission requirements for firstyear students, Supporting documents to submit when applying, Dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV), Admissions for people with vocational qualifications, Recognition of foreign educational credentials, Language exam for Turkish as a teaching subject, Application deadline for summer semesters: 1 December to 15 January, Application deadlines for winter semesters: 1 June to 15 July. ... // to ambsl.jura "AT" Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) ... A copy of the degree certificate of your Bachelor in mathematics or equivalent (in English or German), including a transcript of your grades. Sollten für Ihre Bewerbung Unterlagen erforderlich sein, laden Sie diese im Rahmen der Online-Bewerbung hoch. sechs Semester. Hamburg or a comparable Bachelor of a German or international academic institution. Zulassungsfreie, berufsbegleitende grundständige Bachelor-Studiengänge für das 1. und höhere Fachsemester 15.12.2020 - 15.02.2021 1. und höheres Fachsemester As an international applicant or as a German applicant who has acquired a higher education entry qualification abroad, please read the supplement: Recognition of foreign educational qualifications. It must contain your CGPA and the means to convert them into German grading system, minimum passing grade and maximum grade possible. Key Profile Area – Global South Studies Center; Competence Area – Cultures and Societies in Transition; Graduate School – a.r.t.e.s. studieren zu können, ist eine Bewerbung (Zulassungsantrag) über unser Online-Bewerbungsportal notwendig. This page contains information for applicants to bachelor's and Staatsexamen programs (programs concluding with a state examination), meaning applicants to the first semester of first-degree programs at Universität Hamburg who are not and have not previously been enrolled in the respective program at another university. Learn more If you are able to submit your application without upload, your application requires no documents! You can apply online to Universität Hamburg during application periods. When applying for a bachelor or state examination program, no paper documents need to be submitted to Universität Hamburg. Beginn of studies. Alle drei Bewerbungen werden gleichrangig behandelt.