Studienjahr . Enrollment & Application . Studying International Business at DHBW in Bad Mergentheim was providing me the perfect foundation and prepared me extensively for an international role in the Würth Group. English only . Xing 2. Our students gain valuable experience through time abroad as part of the theoretical and/or practical phases with their international partner companies, as well as by working with foreign lecturers. In our unique Double Degree programme in International Business, the DHBW Mannheim and its partner universities in Paris and Warsaw give highly motivated international young professionals the opportunity to earn their bachelor's degree. The business-related study programmes at DHBW Stuttgart aim to qualify young up-and-coming managers to be able to recognise problem situations, develop suitable solutions and implement them effectively in practice. ... DHBW Karlsruhe stellt sich vor - … Imprint In addition to professors of the DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen, professors from other universities as well as specially qualified experts from companies and social institutions also provide content from their area of specialization to our students. The International Business programme offers a broadly based study of business administration, as international competence is required in all operational functions, including procurement, production, finances, sales and marketing. B.A. Semester : 5. mehr erfahren. You can accept all use, or select specific partners to enable and disabled in the privacy settings. Wenn Sie also gute Deutschkenntnisse haben und Ihr Abschluss anerkannt wird, können Sie unter denselben Voraussetzungen bei uns studieren, wie deutsche Schüler auch. Completed by two phases abroad I could gain fruitful international experience already during my bachelor degree. Studienjahr : 1. With a broad-based career-integrated Business Administration course the International Business specialisation offers our students an excellent preparation for the international and intercultural world of work as this is integrated into the theoretical and practical phases during their studies. (Bachelor of Arts) Subjects: Business and Economics . Semester . In order to be able to offer you a perfect service on our website, we use cookies and third-party tools to improve functionality. Halbjahr : Modul- bereiche 1. Whether in the context of cooperation with suppliers at home and abroad, the management of foreign subsidiaries through appropriate controlling structures or the marketing and sale of products and services, both domestically and overseas – international competence is in high demand everywhere. Students then choose between three business administration specialisations in their third academic year, and these are then analysed with regard to international considerations. 2. We use the map service OpenStreetMap to show you location information clearly presented. The distinctive profile of the study programme is highlighted in the subjects of International Business and Intercultural Management and the study of at least two foreign languages. It comprises three theoretical semesters (1-3) at DHBW Mannheim and three theoretical semesters (4-6) … Students of this international, intercultural cooperative study programme have the possibility to earn the Bachelor of Arts (DHBW Mannheim) and either Licence Gestion (Université Paris-Dauphine) or Licencjat (Kozminski University Warsaw) (equivalent to a BSc or a BComm degree). Visitors at IGTC. In addition to business English, student chose one compulsory language (Spanish or French) and can also opt to study other languages in additional courses. Semester at DHBW Loerrach. Cost. Many of these departments have subdivisions within their units, such as the department of Business Studies offering spezializations in International Business, Banking, and Health Care Management, amongst others. & B.B.A.) Visibility: This media is published. B. Jordanien; Indien; China Related Post. The DHBW Mosbach offers a wide range of departments in its two schools: the School of Business and the School of Engineering. Die Inhalte des Studiums: Im Studium werden wesentliche Aspekte der allgemeinen BWL und des International Business behandelt. Not specified. BWL-International Business ist das perfekte Bachelor-Studium, um in internationalen Management-Teams zu arbeiten. mehr erfahren. Free / €1500 . Studienjahr . In fact, they earn two degrees in three years. UNF students … Degree. Read More . Auslandssemester, Gehalt & Praxisphasen. DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen. YouTube is currently deactivated. The central content is formed by the fundamentals of economics and international business. The programme is designed for students from our partner universities, and these can choose from numerous lectures, courses and seminars conducted in English. Dual studieren in Stuttgart - in 3 Jahren zum Bachelor: BWL-International Business verbindet BWL mit internationaler Wirtschaft und interkulturellem Wissen. Institute for Transcultural Health Science. Graduates can look forward to challenging project management roles, qualified processing tasks and their first management functions. This will complete the foreign language sequence for International Business and International Studies majors. The settings can be changed anytime when visiting the privacy policy. The integration of foreign students in our semester groups and the recruiting of lecturers with an international background are integral components of the study programme. Ziele der vergangenen Jahre waren z. In addition to workplace training semesters spent abroad, students also have the opportunity to complete an academic term at one of our numerous partner universities. This three-year study programme culminates in the academic degree Bachelor of Arts. ... For the German language program, DHBW will help you find a room in a dormitory or an apartment. program of Business Administration International Business at the Baden– -Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart. IB International Business Binational (B.A. The distinctive character of this study programme lies in the association of business administrative content with international issues and the cultural knowledge required in this context. Thanks to a broadly based education in business administration, graduates of the study programme hold positions in a variety of functions in the international environment. In addition to a sound business administration education, our students acquired specialised knowledge of international business and insights into cultural backgrounds. ... Luis studiert International Business Management in Ottobrunn. The International Business programme offers a broadly based study of business administration, as international competence is required in all operational functions, including procurement, production, finances, sales and marketing. Information concerning an application as a degree seeking student: Rent ranges from approximately $160-$370 per month, depending on preferences. Professor*innen und Dozent*innen der DHBW bieten Ihnen spannende Exkursionen. Read More. OpenStreetMap is currently active. In other words, a country will export those products or services that utilize abundant factors of production. Im Vollzeitstudium bieten wir keine 100% englischsprachigen Studiengänge an. Duale Hochschule Baden-WürttembergVillingen-SchwenningenFriedrich-Ebert-Straße 3078054 Villingen-Schwenningen, phone +49 7720 3906-0telefax +49 7720 3906-119, © 2020 Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Facebook Das Modul International Business kann von Ihnen im Fachbereich Wirtschaft (Studiengänge Business Management und Wirtschaftsinformatik) und Fachbereich Technik (alle Studiengänge) belegt werden. 3 Years (starting: Winter semester) Duration. Special: International Business binational In our unique Double Degree programme in International Business, the DHBW Mannheim and its partner universities in Paris and Warsaw give highly motivated international young professionals the opportunity to earn their bachelor's degree. The International Business Department at Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg Mannheim on With these guidelines the following objectives should be achieved: • Outline binding formal requirements for academic writing • Highlight academic standards in terms of structure and content with reference to Google Analytics is used for the evaluation, we only pass anonymised data, a personal reference is not possible. Participation in international business allows countries to take advantage of their comparative advantage. We use a data protection-optimized version of YouTube, which exchanges less data with YouTube to embed videos in the website. We evaluate your use of our online services. Bachelor of Science FHNW in International Business Management , Licence Gestion - parcours International Business Management UHA, Bachelor of Arts DHBW ECTS points: 210 Next start: September (week 39) Studying mode: Full time Duration: 3.5 years (incl. This ensures that practice-relevant know-how will be taught. 3 Corporate Accounting (W3BW_102) Formal Information about the course Course of Study Field of Study Indentation Business Administration - Module Name Language Number Version Professors-in-charge The Study Program International Business (Mannheim) ️ at DHBW (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University) All info for international students (undefined/undefined) The career-integrated degree programmes offer an excellent basis for gaining the high level of employability needed for rapid professional success. Studienjahr – mindestens eine Theoriephase im Ausland verbringen. DHBW Ravensburg Und wie sieht das Studium aus? Download Presentation. 4. It is common to pay a deposit of one month's rent and a small contract fee. 6:47. In theory and practice, our students acquire everything they need to take on exciting tasks – across industries and around the globe. Study period: 6 semesters; Language of instruction: English; Additional languages: Spanish & Polish; This study programme is offered in cooperation with the Kozminski University Warsaw. The course also focuses on improving foreign language skills and developing intercultural and social skills. 6. Semester : 3. In fact, they earn two degrees in three years. Data Protection. More information can be found in the privacy policy. Der zweisprachige Studiengang BWL – International Business am internationalsten Campus der DHBW verbindet ein vollständiges betriebswirtschaftliches Kernstudium mit den Besonderheiten interkultureller Geschäftstätigkeit. An international view of business management correlations is at the core of the International Business study programme. © 2020 Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Exhibition, Conference and Event Management. Foreign applicants with a foreign educational qualification must be able to meet the requirements for enrollment at DHBW Loerrach. Languages and a specialised knowledge of other countries are significant tools of the trade in this respect. Language. They learn about the mechanisms of international markets and experience up close how business activities outside Germany work – ideal conditions for a successful career in the globalised economy. We use the map service Google Maps to show you location information clearly presented. The study program is aimed at International … Google Analytics is currently active. The concept of comparative advantage means that a nation has an advantage over other nations in terms of access to affordable land, resources, labor, and capital. Google Maps is currently active. In addition to a high degree of resilience and analytical skills, our students should be capable of immersing themselves in the subject with the required level of curiosity and tolerance for international differences when considering business situations and a readiness to examine their own positions in perspective. She is motivated to teach at the DHBW as it gives her the chance lecturing in an international setting with students from all over the world. Sie haben einen Schul- oder vielleicht sogar Hochschulabschluss im Ausland erworben und möchten nun gerne bei uns ein komplettes Studium bis zum Bachelorabschluss absolvieren. Semester . Degree: Undergraduate (B.A.& B.B.A.) Prof. Dr. Uwe Nölte, Professor International Business, DHBW Karlsruhe; Radhieka R Mehta, Director, IGTC We are looking forward to a new future with a high-quality German education that will impact the lives of many Indian students as well as the work of the German companies in India. Studierende der Studienrichtung BWL-International Business (BWL-IB) sollen typischerweise im 2. Especially discussing moral and cultural financial issues is enriched by the different cultural backgrounds. DHBW welcomes international students who would like to study for a duration of three years in Karlsruhe. Application Deadlines . OpenStreetMap is currently deactivated. Studienjahr – gegebenenfalls auch im 3. The International Semester at the DHBW VS is held twice yearly from the end of March to June and the end of September to December. DHBW Lörrach- International Business in English, Lörrach. 3. 358 likes. Contact Please note that only the School of Business study programme „Business Administration-International Business“ at the DHBW locations Lörrach and Mannheim is entirely taught in English! Here international exchange students who want to study in English at DHBW Lörrach will find more information. Google Analytics is currently deactivated. YouTube is currently active. Google Maps is currently deactivated. Lectures are held in part in English. Semester . DHBW Mannheim. Gain an initial insight from the following film, which was made by students of the 6th semester. International experience can be gained in a variety of ways. With the statistical data obtained, we can adapt our offers even better to your needs. BWL-International Business (in English) International Business Management Trinational; Mechatronic Trinational ; To meet the requirements of our partner companies for an increasing number of internationally educated and experienced employees, DHBW Loerrach offers an undergraduate study program in International Business taught entirely in English.